Post modernism is when something from an older era is referenced in an updated form of media.
An example of this is when an old music video or film is referenced in a new music video.
There are three genre styles:
Postmodern - make fun of these trends with the use of parodies etc.
Experimental - establishing trends
Cannon - woks within those trends to fix them and turn them into our cultural understanding
Post modernism allows new music videos to attract larger audiences because when they reference older content, older viewers that would have been a fan of the older content can relate to the new music video.
These references made in the music videos are using intertextuality. This is done to possibly appeal and attract a larger audience, therefore giving the music video more publicity. These references could appeal to a bigger audience because the reference to the older text will allow older audiences to relate to that context. As its already updated the younger and current audience will already be attracted to the product.
An example of a postmordenist would be Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' and Madonna's 'Express Yourself'.
Done by Tommy Devaux and Max Rowlands
These references made in the music videos are using intertextuality. This is done to possibly appeal and attract a larger audience, therefore giving the music video more publicity. These references could appeal to a bigger audience because the reference to the older text will allow older audiences to relate to that context. As its already updated the younger and current audience will already be attracted to the product.
An example of a postmordenist would be Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' and Madonna's 'Express Yourself'.
Done by Tommy Devaux and Max Rowlands
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