Monday, 29 January 2018

Plan for Second Shoot

Second shoot Plan

For our second shoot on Thursday we are going to shoot more of the band scenes in our music video. We are aiming to get a few more shots of the individual band members so that its not constantly a full band shot. This is because there are parts of the song where we want the audiences attention to be on specific band members. For example on the guitar solo we want to get a close up of the guitarist playing. If we were to only use a full band shot then the audience is going to get confused and probably get bored. We want to mix it up and use a variety of shots to make it more interesting for the viewer. 

We still need to check whether all the people in the band are available to film on Thursday though so we will message them individually to check their availability. 

Once again we will probably book out two cameras so that we can have two people filming at once which speeds up the whole process. Obviously we have to consider not getting in each others way but i'm sure we can work around that.  We will likely book out a tri-pod too incase theres any full band shots or and shots that need to be steady with ease. A steady cam might also be needed if there are any shots that require a steady hand, so if we are including a lot of motion in our camera movement we want to avoid getting too much camera shake. Lastly we will need to book out the LED light that places on top of the camera. The reason we use this light is because when trying to film close ups of the band we noticed that the shadow of the camera and the camera man was being shown in the frame. This was because the lights being used to light the scene were behind us. Using the LED light was helpful as it got rid of that shadow. 

Thursday, 25 January 2018



This is our animatic for our music video. An animatic is pretty much a slide show of all the shots that we plan on using in order. A music video without the motion in between shot but just freeze frames. We hope that this will give a rough idea on what our music video will look like however when it comes to shooting our music video we might change some of it.

First Shoot

First Shoot

On Wednesday we did our first proper shoot for our band scenes. We were pretty happy with what we shot so far. One of the things we liked most was the spot lighting which we created by using the light control panel in the drama room. Around the edges of the shot except the floor begin to black out. This means the audience will not have a clear idea on where the band is which is the effect we wanted to create as we want the band to seem mysterious. We do still need to shoot more for the band scene and get some more close ups of the individual band members but we are pretty happy with what we shot so far. 

Monday, 22 January 2018

Plan for first Shoot

Plan for First Shoot 

We have planned to do our first shoot on Wednesday next week. We have asked the drama staff whether it will be ok to shoot in the room we need which they have agreed will be fine. We will book out the equipment we need on the day. This includes: 2 cameras, Tri-Pod and a steady cam. 

We also need to make sure that the band members are available to shoot that day which so far everyone except the guitarist has agreed on that day whilst the guitarist (Luke) has not got back to us but we are convinced it should be ok. 

We need to message the band members to let them know what kind of clothing we need them to wear. This will be decided by the group member in charge of mice-en-scene (George). 

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?